Global Data Technology Inc. - place where latest IT technologies merge with security.

Video Surveillance

“We do not need it, we are in a safe area and there were no robberies here” - is the most common reason for declining install. 
Video Surveillance has gone much further then that. It helps to prove wether or not event has occurred - box falling out of the truck during loading/unloading, person falling down on a wet floor, unpaid parking ...
You might not take it serious until it is too late and there is a law suite against you for something you did not do...(more)IT_Services.html
IT Services

Data about your business and your clients is the most valuable asset that you have acquired while you have been in business. Imagine what will happen if your data gets compromised. In addition to facing possible law suites due to loss of customer confidential information, you no longer able to conduct business the same way...(more)IT_Services.htmlIT_Services.htmlshapeimage_6_link_0
VoIP Solutions

Voice-Over-IP offers you flexible, feature reach solution for a fraction of the traditional phone service cost...(more)voip.htmlvoip.htmlshapeimage_8_link_0

Access Control System

There are 2 main benefits of access control system - security and convenience.

Security aspect allows you to control who can gain access though which entry points at what time.

Convenience - single “key” is all you need regardless of how many doors you have...(more)

Global Data Technologies Inc. announces that beginning June 2009, we have partner with Tactical Security and United Security Services Inc. to provide our customer with even more security services options - from security guard training to alarm system installation and monitoring... (more)

Global Data Technologies Inc., PO Box 914, Highland Park IL. 60035 - Ph.: 224-765-0775, fax: 847-897-2075 - Email: